Content: Azospirillum CFU- 1x 10 * 8 Cells / ML aa
Mode of Action: Perfect Azospi fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and reduces the amount of chemical fertilizer (Urea). It synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, Gibberellins which helps in seed germination, early emergence and other plant development activities along with enhancing better root growth and mineral and water uptake.
Benefit: Fixes 20-40 kg Nitrogen/ha in non-leguminous plants. Increases number and length of lateral roots as well as root area. More plant growth, improves water and mineral uptake.
Dose: 8 - 10 ml for Seed treatment, 10-15 ml for seedling treatment & 500 - 1000 ml for soil application. 1 Ltr drip / drench irrigation.