Category: Weedicides / Herbicide
Content: Atrazine 50% WP
Advantages: It is recommended to control trianthema monogyna, digitaria arvensis, echinocloa, spp. elusine spp. Xanthium strumarium, brachiaria sp. Digitaria sp. Amaranthus viridies, cleome viscosa, polygonum sp. of maize. Partulaca oleracea, Digiteria sp., Boerhavia diffuse, Euphorbia sp. Tribulus terrestris of sugarcane crop.
Crops: Apply in Sugarcane & Maize.
Dosage: In Maize 400 gm - 800 gm & Sugarcane 400 gm - 1600 gm per Acre as per requirement.
Available Packing: 500 gm & 1 Kg.
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